Casting the Immaculata Bell

Livestream from Annecy, France

Thursday • December 16, 2021 • 9:00am CST

Crest of the Paccard Foundry, established in 1796


Casting the largest bell weighing 7,716 lbs

‘Maria Immaculata’ B


You can expect:

  • The blessing of the molten bronze as it is cast into the Maria Immaculata bell mold.

    • Bronze treatment

    • Casting and checking the bronze sample

    • Simultaneously casting and blessing the bronze of the Maria Immaculata Bbell

  • An explanation (in English and in French) of the bell casting technique and methods taking place during the livestreamed event.

  • A video description about the Paccard Foundry.

  • A video presentation explaining the process of manufacturing bells.

    • making of the core, making of the false bell, making of wax and inscriptions and decorations, packing of the molds, cleaning of the false bell, casting preparation

  • Presentation showing the Immaculata’s bells which are already cast (most specifically, the St. John the Baptist bell and the Sts. Benedict and Scholastica bell).

  • This event will last approximately one and a half hours.


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