Communion Rail (total cost: $76,000)

Communion Rail (total cost: $76,000)


This item will take 190 sponsors contributing $400 each to obtain the total goal of $76,000


  • The communion rail separating the sanctuary from the nave of the church will be made from New Volakas marble with accents in Verde Guatemala and gold marble. A brass gate will complete the center entrance.

    • The total length of the communion rail will be 110 feet, including in front of the side chapels and the main altar. The portion in front of the main altar will be 90 feet allowing for approximately 48 people to be at the rail simultaneously.


Any questions about making a full or partial sponsorship, please refer HERE

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architectural rendering of the communion rail by Civium

1.1 - Center.JPG altar-card-prep_IMG_9378.JPG

Hand-Illuminated Altar Cards (total cost: $12,000)

Main Altar Crucifix (total cost: $4,000)
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Main Altar Crucifix (total cost: $4,000)

Sanctuary Lamp (total cost: $4,350)
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Sanctuary Lamp (total cost: $4,350)

Main Altar Candlesticks (total cost: $1,245) Baroque Candlestick in gold-plated brass-2.PNG
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Main Altar Candlesticks (total cost: $1,245)

Altar Bell Set (total cost: $600)
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Altar Bell Set (total cost: $600)
