Regina Martyrum Side Chapel (total cost: $50,000)

Regina Martyrum Side Chapel (total cost: $50,000)


This item will take 500 sponsors contributing $100 each to obtain the total goal of $50,000


  • This side chapel will be located at the right-hand rear of the nave, across from the Baptistry

  • The statue of Our Lady of Sorrows and the ~2000 relics currently situated in Assumption Chapel will be rehoused in this side chapel encased in custom cabinetry reredos and display and fronted with a steel and wrought iron grille.


Any questions about making a full or partial sponsorship, please refer HERE

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Architectural renderings of the Regina Martyum side chapel
Statue of Our Lady of Sorrows which will encased above the altar

Baptismal Font (total cost: $20,400)
sold out

Baptismal Font (total cost: $20,400)

Side Altar Crucifix and candlesticks (total cost: $27,500)

Side Altar Crucifix and candlesticks (total cost: $27,500)

1.1 - Center.JPG altar-card-prep_IMG_9378.JPG

Hand-Illuminated Altar Cards (total cost: $12,000)

St. Joseph Side Chapel  (total cost: $79,300)

St. Joseph Side Chapel (total cost: $79,300)

Side Chapel Altar Tabernacle (total cost: $10,300)
sold out

Side Chapel Altar Tabernacle (total cost: $10,300)
