Solemn Pontifical Vestment set (total cost: $25,500)

Solemn Pontifical Vestment set (total cost: $25,500)


This item will take 100 sponsors contributing $255 each to obtain the total goal of $25,500


  • The pontifical set of vestments includes:

    •  6 copes (for the Bishop, assistant priests and Cappellani (pontifical attendants who carry the book, bugia, mitre and crozier)

    • 5 Dalmatics (Deacon, Subdeacon, Subdeacon cross bearer, assistant deacons)

      • 2 maniples, one deacon stole

    • 1 chasuble (Bishop)

      • with maniple and stole

    • Humeral veil for Subdeacon / Bishop if used for Blessed Sacrament


Any questions about making a full or partial sponsorship, please refer HERE

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