Hymnals (total cost: $19,800)

Hymnals (total cost: $19,800)


600 needed at $33 each

This item will take 600 sponsors contributing $33 each to obtain the total goal of $19,800 for all 600 books


  • The Immaculata hymnals will include various chant, hymns, prayers and litanies custom-made by the parish priests and choir masters.


Any questions about making a full or partial sponsorship, please refer HERE

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Exterior Statue of Pope St. Pius X (total cost: $21,600)

Exterior Statue of St. Louis De Montfort (total cost: $29,880)

Exterior Statue of St. Louis De Montfort (total cost: $29,880)

Exterior Statue of Christ the King (total cost: $33,650)

Exterior Statue of Christ the King (total cost: $33,650)

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Tall Altar Vases (total cost: $800)

Short Altar Vases (total cost: $160) vases, short-urn-2.jpg
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Short Altar Vases (total cost: $160)
