Our Lady of Peace Cemetery (total cost: $395,000)

Our Lady of Peace Cemetery (total cost: $395,000)


This item will take 1000 sponsors contributing $395 each to obtain the total goal of $395,000


With the completion of the church moving from Assumption Chapel to The Immaculata, the need to increase the size of our cemetery has also become a reality.

It is our Christian duty to bury the dead and pray for the souls of the departed. Catholic cemeteries are sacred ground where we strive to create a religious environment conducive to prayer, reflection and remembrance. There are basically only two places that the Catholic Church consecrates as Holy Ground and those are a church and a cemetery. Your donation to the cemetery is a way to help make this possible.


Extra soil from the Immaculata building project made it possible to fill the expanded cemetery site. This sponsorship covers an addition 1200 new plots, a new fence with columns and decorative wrought iron, a new main entrance with an arching sign, paved drive paths and a new calvary scene centerpiece facing the new entrance and the church.

The arch over the main driveway entrance from the church to the cemetery was designed by Civium Architecture and fabricated by Holston Creek Welding in St Marys with local metalworking artisans. It was made from mild steel from a local fabrication shop, galvanized and painted to match the wrought iron fence. The columns were made of the same brick and cast stone to keep harmony with the consecrated church.


Any questions about full or partial sponsorships, please refer HERE

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Aerial view of the Immaculata’s Our Lady of Peace Cemetery, seen from the pinnacle of the church

Altar Server Surplices (total cost: $1,350) Server+Cassock_crop.jpg

Altar Server Surplices (total cost: $1,350)

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Exterior Statue of St. Ignatius of Loyola (total cost: $21,600)

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Incense Thurible, Boat and Stand (total cost: $3,200)

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Solemn Pontifical Vestment set (total cost: $25,500)

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Prie-Dieu kneelers (total cost: $4,290)
