Evangeliarium: book of Epistles & Gospels (total cost: $3,000)

Evangeliarium: book of Epistles & Gospels (total cost: $3,000)



2 needed

This item will take 25 sponsors contributing $120 each to obtain the total goal of $3,000



  • The Evangeliarium is used at Solemn High Masses for the singing of the Gospel and Epistle.

  • The parish artists St. Luke’s Guild is making two for the main altar: one for regular occasions made out of gilt leather, and another for First Class feasts made of tooled sterling silver and hand painted illuminations.

    • The image to the left is an example of the style which will embellish the First Class Evangeliarium. Below is a sketch drawing of the custom design for the Immaculata’s Evangeliarium.


Any questions about making a full or partial sponsorship, please refer HERE

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Sketch drawing of the Evangeliarium cover

Sacred Vessels: First Class Ciborium (total cost: $12,000)
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Sacred Vessels: First Class Ciborium (total cost: $12,000)

Monstrance {re-gilding} (total cost: $1,850)
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Monstrance {re-gilding} (total cost: $1,850)

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Hand-Illuminated Altar Cards (total cost: $12,000)

Sacred Vessels: Ciborium (6 at $4,000 each) new-chalices_22.09.13_iUF5mUPT.jpeg
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Sacred Vessels: Ciborium (6 at $4,000 each)

Our Lady of Peace Cemetery (total cost: $395,000) DJI_20240410174434_0011_D.jpg

Our Lady of Peace Cemetery (total cost: $395,000)
